Beginners Guide to Using Essential Oils For Natural Stress Relief
Feeling stressed and anxious and unable to cope leaves you feeling desperate for some form of stress relief. The traditional or popular option is to get a prescription to help with the symptoms. But the side effects are often worse than the original symptoms.
There is a better choice. One of the products I use is essential oils. Oh, and just so you know, some of the products I recommendI receive compensation for. I prefer all natural products such as these essential oils. These all natural products can help you find balance and calm with their healing powers. Before you jump right in using essential oils, it’s best to understand what they are and how to use them first.
As an empty nester, the first few months after my sons’ left the nest, I often felt anxious and stressed. I had all kinds of worries. “Was he eating well enough?” “Is he safe enough?” “Why doesn’t he call me every day?”
Of course these were unfounded fears that I brought on myself. But those feelings kept cropping up anyway. I had to find a way to releive the anxiety or I wouldn’t be able to move on.
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are a natural oil that is normally obtained by extraction either by distilling or cold-pressing the essence of a plant’s leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other elements of a plant.
Aromatherapy is the name often used to refer to the use of essential oils. It’s a popular form of natural stress relief. The basis for aromatherapy uses concentrated oils in certain combination to heal physical and emotional issues.
How To Use Essential Oils
Essential oils are made for different uses. They can be inhaled, used in a diffuser, applied topically to the skin, taken internally or used in massage therapy. Herbs that are typically used for anxiety are often taken internally but some can be used as aromatics in diffusers to help reduce symptoms of stress.
“This information is not intended as medical advice. If you are experiencing unusual symptoms of any kind, please consult with your physician.“
Most essential oils are safe and free of adverse side effects if used properly. However it’s important to pay attention to the dosage, the purity of the oil and any possible interactions with other medications you are using before applying essential oil. Look for high quality products when purchasing oils. It’s best to use all natural, organic oils.
- Use a few drops of essential oils in a warm bath to soothe achy, tense muscles and relax your body. Essential oil blends can be combined to create a soothing aroma in a diffuser. Others can be used as a way to relax muscles through massage. I talked about some of the uses of my favorite essential oil in this post.
- Keep a small bottle of essential oils handy to take a whiff when things are really getting to be too much. It can be enough to help you change your focus and feel a little better about things.
- Add a few drops of essential oil to the floor of your shower. Cover the drain with a cloth for a couple of minutes. The steam becomes filled with the scent of the oil immersing your whole body. This can cleanse your aura and have a positive effect on your emotions.
- Put a few drops on a cotton pad or scarf and tuck it in your pocket. The subtle scent helps support you during the day with a sense of calm.
- Create a body oil blend from 3 teaspoons of carrier oil like almond oil and 7-8 drops of essential oil, adding the essential oil to the bottle or dish first. Be sure to do a patch test on your skin before using all over. Use as a body oil or when you massage your hands or feet.
- Use 25 drops of essential oil in a diffuser to to help you feel more comfortable. The types of diffusers come in a wide variety, so you can find one that fits your décor style.
Here are a few essential oil blends to get you started:
The essential oils of rose, nerolis, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, bergamot, geranium, jasmine or lavender are the most common essential oils for natural stress relief. They can be inhaled or massaged onto the skin.
Lavender is probably one of the most popular essential oils for creating a calm environment. Those new to aromatherapy can’t go wrong starting their journey with lavender oil. It’s calming, relaxing and has anti-stress qualities as well as been proven to improve concentration.
Rose, like lavender, is a top pick for to help with all stress issues.
Peppermint oil can be used to relieve headaches, fever, nausea, and fatigue. Bergamot is calming and relieves mild anxiety while marjoram provide emotional relief from pain and sorrow.
Chamomile is a calming, soothing, and medicinal essential oil. It’s often found as a tea, but the oil can be used in a diffuser or inhaled.
Lemon essential oil is refreshing and can boost energy while geranium can help to improve a downward spiraling mood.
Any essential oil that makes you feel good is a good choice for natural stress relief. They can be used in a wide variety of ways to help you relax and relieve tense muscles, headaches and other symptoms of stress. And without all the side effects of prescription drugs.
Carol 🙂
P.S. Rocky Mountain Essential Oils are all natural and organic so they are good for you and good for the planet! Try them for yourself today!! 🙂