
Need Help Navigating through the Empty Nest Phase?

It can be overwhelming, especailly if you don’t have any support.

The good news is,  you do have support.


I’ve been through the empty nest thing a few times now. First when my 2 oldest sons moved out, then my youngest, then my mother moved in, then passed away, the youngest moved back in, then out again. WOW. That’s a lot of emptying :6 .  Each time was difficult but I learned something each time.

It’s taught me how to dig deep inside, use my spiritual strengths and rely on myself to find fulfillment. I’m not the healthiest version of me, yet, but I am working on it. I’ve learned ways to eat healthy, have a healthy mind and spirit, and to build good relationships with my grown sons while rekindling the deep love for my spouse.

I’m here to help you move from overwhelmed and lonely to happy and satisfied. 

How can I help you?

I can guide you

  • on ways to stay out of the empty nest syndrome
  • on ways to find and love who you are now
  • on getting back to being healthy or staying healthy in both mind and body
  • on finding fun ways to fill your time.

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